Sunday 24 June 2012


Today I had an early start as me and my mum planned to go down the road to see the Olympic flame. My alarm went off at 7:30am, but I slept in until quater to 8! Unfortunately so did my mum, so we had to gulp down our cups of tea, and take our croissants with us! When we got there, there were lots of people gathered around and we could only just see the road. Then we were joined by my teacher (who is friends with my mum) and her family who took us down the road to a quieter spot. All of a sudden the crouds moved forwards so we were stood in the middle of the road. First the police motor bikes came, then the busses carrying more runners, next the busses with lots of people in matching outfits who were singing and dancing, and finally the man who was carrying the flame.

It felt like a very long day after our early start, and I managed to get a lot done. I made lots of girls out of shrinkies and baked them all in the oven. They are now really tiny, there are 30 in total. None of them are real people, just imaginary figures. I plan to make 30 more for my class as a leavers present, but these will be of them.

Tonight I started to watch the England Vs Italy game but I was to tired to watch the whole match so I came upstairs to blog.

There are lots more but it would take HOURS to photograph them all, the ones I've selected are some of my favorites!

Saturday 23 June 2012

Back in Business

I haven't blogged for such a long time!
I have been practising LOADS for the school production, and for the annual summer soiree.
Last time I blogged I was sizzling in the sun, but now I'm cooped up indoors hiding from the rain. It's mid- summer! What's going on?

A few days ago it was my brothers 9th birthday. He got lots of presents including a hamster called Reg. He had a chocolate cake and some plain buns, on top of the cake were some fondant uglydolls. Uglydolls are cute figures and toys with unusual names like Babo and Wage!

Unfortunately I haven't had much time to doodle, but while I was off school ill I coloured in a few of my old doodles.

I have recently read neverseconds blog, I found it really interesting and loved seeing how veg (the writer) could make so much difference!